New publishing venture Verb Noire has recently announced its first publication: River’s Daughter, a novel by Tasha Campbell.
Abigail Richard’s earliest memory is of wading with her mother in the cool waters of the creek near their home. The dark-skinned daughter of a mixed marriage in a post-Civil war pioneer town, Gail finds herself ostracized in a way her pale-skinned brothers never are–for her skill in swimming, her mother, and her color. It is only when her mother leaves her behind and she is forced to protect herself against other people’s manipulations that Gail dives to the water’s depths for protection–and finally learns where she truly comes from.
The mission statement of Verb Noire is To celebrate the works of talented, underrepresented authors and deliver them to a readership that demands more. What does that mean? That if you’re a talented writer with an awesome, original story about a POC girl/guy/transgendered character, there is a place for you. And that if you’re a sci-fi/fantasy fan who has grown tired of the constant whitewashing of these genres, there is a place for you, too.
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