The following people and organizations are current members of the Carl Brandon Society:
- S.N. (Shari) Arly
- Matt Austern
- Allen Baum
- Fred Bergmann
- Bill Bodden
- Alan Bostick
- Berianne Bramman
- Sara Brodzinsky
- Kirsten Buckendorf
- Ted F. Chiang
- Larra Clark
- Beth Clarke
- Leah Cutter
- Dan Dexter
- L. Timmell Duchamp
- Meredith Falley
- Shaun Feakins
- Katie Ferreira
- Cabell Gathman
- Candra Gill
- Jeanne Gomoll
- Sandra M. Grayson
- Phredd Groves
- Ian K. Hagemann
- Andrea Hairston
- MJ Hardman
- Jed E. Hartman
- Amber Hatfield
- Jane E. Hawkins
- Lou Hoffman
- Nalo Hopkinson
- Pete Hudson
- Gayle Kaplan
- Kathleen Kilbane
- Nicole Kurtz *
- Ursula K. Le Guin *
- Michael Levy
- Claire Light
- Margaret McBride
- Ted McManus
- Laura Mina
- Mary Anne Mohanraj
- Nadine Mondestin *
- Jim Munroe
- Pat Murphy
- Janice Mynchenberg
- Jim Nichols
- Debbie Notkin
- Johanna Novales
- Lyn Paleo
- Ama Patterson
- Therese Pieczynski
- Beth A. Plutchak
- Victor Raymond
- Nicholas Reese
- Susan Reitz
- Rita Rousseau
- Nisi Shawl
- Ellen Siegel
- Diane Silver
- Heather Slania
- Diantha Sprouse
- Diantha Sprouse
- Sheila Sutton
- Cecilia Tan
- Pamela Taylor
- Sheree Renee Thomas
- Amy Thomson
- Christine Wallish
- Donya White
- Laurel Winter
- K. Ceres Wright
- Salma Yaqubi
- Tachyon Publications
- Margie Peterson *OF* Elmer Anderson Library –
- Black Writers Collection