MJ Hardman: A Remembrance

[After learning last month of the sudden death of Dr. MJ Hardman, we asked Carl Brandon Society co-founder Victor J. Raymond to write about her crucial contributions to our ongoing work. Though already in the grip of grief due to the death of his mother, he gave us the following words.]

We had gathered for the first caucus of People of Color at WisCon, about twenty years ago. Nalo Hopkinson and Nisi Shawl were there — that I remember — and other members of what would become the Carl Brandon Society Steering Committee were there. Like other spaces I had been in before, we knew this was a special moment. There were about a dozen people there, and it felt like we weren’t huddled together for safety, for belonging. That day, the metaphorical tent walls lifted away from our shoulders; we had the space to be who we were and to talk freely.

We were about to start when a mature woman entered the room. She appeared to be white, so we were not immediately sure if she knew where she was. We waited for a moment, and then she said, “I’m not a person of color, but I am the mother of people of color.” We had not discussed how to handle this beforehand, but Nalo nodded and graciously invited her to join us. We could decide for ourselves who was a part of our community, and MJ immediately was included.

This is how MJ Hardman introduced herself to us. And from her we learned so much, oh, how we learned. MJ was an avid science fiction reader, a professor of linguistics, a fierce champion of indigenous rights, a mother, a feminist, and much more. MJ served on the Carl Brandon Steering Committee for nearly 15 years, and we benefited greatly from her presence and contributions.

MJ — for that was how we knew her, never as “Dr. Hardman” (she never stood on ceremony) — was a persistent advocate for unvoiced and underrepresented viewpoints in our work as the Carl Brandon Society. She worked to ensure that the Society’s efforts went beyond the United States, that we paid attention to writers and readers of color in other countries, and that we never forgot the feminist origins of our creation.

When we first began working on the Carl Brandon Parallax and Kindred Awards, MJ championed naming them as we did. “Parallax” — to recognize the breadth of who we were, the entire rainbow of the chromatic spectrum, and “Kindred” — first as an acknowledgment of Octavia E. Butler, an early supporter of our efforts, and second, to recognize that we were all associated, and connected to one another. We chose those names because MJ passionately advocated for them, and we soon realized why her advocacy mattered: they spoke to our shared values.

When the Society took on the challenge to support the Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship for writers of color attending Clarion and Clarion West, it strained relationships amongst the members of the Steering Committee. MJ worked to mend those relationships, pointing out that fostering new voices in the field was an important thing for us to do — and there was nobody else who could do it. Over the past decade and more, we have seen the result of that wisdom: more than two dozen writers of color producing outstanding, brilliant creative work after graduating successfully from Clarion and Clarion West.

Over time, we slowly began to see the rest of MJ’s life. MJ saw connections between linguistics, worldview, and speculative fiction. How we speak influences how we think and how we see the world, now and in the future, and those connections were the foundation for her support for our work. I remember meeting her husband, Dimas, at WisCon; they clearly loved one another — Dimas, quiet and bespectacled, and MJ laughing and talking and challenging us to do the right thing (whatever it was in the moment). After knowing them for some time, I found out about his and MJ’s efforts to preserve Jaqaru, his native language. Because of that, it was possible to appreciate the connections MJ made between the important interests in her life. Once she retired from her position at University of Florida, she provided advice and support for the Society, and continued to advocate for, and on behalf of, the Parallax and Kindred awards.

For quite some time, the Carl Brandon Society operated on a shoestring budget — we still do, really. MJ’s academic work kept her focused on the needs of her community and family in Peru, but the Carl Brandon Society is a beneficiary of her estate. Her support will help build a stronger and more capable organization, one that she would be very proud of having helped to start.

Victor J. Raymond

A fierce, beautiful, white-haired white woman in a dark blue dress faces the viewer.
Dr. MJ Hardman attends a WisCon event
A laughing Dr. MJ Hardman rests her head on the shoulder of her husband, Dimas.  Dimas wears rectangular-lensed glasses and a brimmed tweed hat.  He has a moustache and his eyes are shut.
MJ and Dimas enjoy refreshments at a POC dinner held during WisCon.

Our 2022 Accomplishments

Here’s the text of the email we sent out today:

This year we’ve been learning how to operate effectively under constantly changing conditions. While our online programs and meetings continue to help keep the Carl Brandon Society community together virtually, we’ve also taken advantage of a pair of beautiful, breezy summer evenings to present the Octavia E. Butler scholarship pendants in person, outdoors. They went to Shingai Kagunda at Clarion in San Diego, and to Naomi Day and Wen-Yi Lee at Clarion West in Seattle. We have photographic evidence on our blog: https://carlbrandon.org/2022/09/octavia-butler-scholarship-presentations-owls-abound/

We jumped at the chance to co-sponsor the 2022 BlackSpecFic report put together by LD Lewis, a five-year follow-up to her landmark 2017 study of the presence of Black authors in the genre. This much-anticipated report, which covers both long- and short-form speculative fiction, came out November 23. Read it here.

The anthology we’re sponsoring, Ex Marginalia, is scheduled for release from the publisher, Hydra House, on February 21, 2023. At this point we’ve seen Ashe Samuels’ extraordinary cover art, and the authors have approved the book’s galleys, as has editor and 2014 Butler scholar Chinelo Onwualu. Though we could still use donations to cover the cost of its publication, the book is basically ready to go! Read more about it here.

Also in the works for spring 2023 is a brilliant new event: a BIPOC book fair for children. It’s a lot like the Scholastic Book Fairs many of us in the US remember from elementary school, but it’s focused on the science fictional and fantastic stories by authors of color. We’ll have in-person author visits, and each kid attending will receive two free books. Already, we’ve received a wonderful gift of $10,000 for this project’s inaugural session.

In another move toward expanding our activities, we’re adding new categories to the two Carl Brandon Society literary awards. For years we’ve given trophies and prizes of $1000 each to the winners of two literary awards: the Carl Brandon Parallax Award for imaginative fiction by an author of color, and the Carl Brandon Kindred Award for imaginative fiction which expands and explores our understanding of race. Now we’ve decided to recognize one long work and one short work for each award. We’re doubling the number of possible winners! Visit our awards page to submit your nominations.

And once again in 2022, we’re the fortunate beneficiaries of a Humble Bundle campaign. As of the moment we write this, the Pathfinder and Starfinder Humble Bundle has raised over $15,000 for us, with eight more days to go! By the time you read this that campaign will be over—which means you can donate independently and make your own individual difference in our evergreen efforts to improve representation.

The frontiers of imagination. That’s where we’re working. We’re excited about what we’ve been able to accomplish there in the past few years, and we look forward to doing even more, now and in the future, with your help.

Please make a donation.


The Carl Brandon Society’s Steering Committee

K. Tempest Bradford, Maurice Broaddus, Candra K. Gill, Jaymee Goh, Kate Schaefer, Nisi Shawl, Yang-Yang Wang

P. O. Box 23336
Seattle, WA 98102

The Carl Brandon Society is a qualified 501(c)3 organization, and all donations to it are tax-deductible. Our federal tax I.D. number is 27-0140141.

Superb Owls by Laurie T. Edison

The silver owl pendant originally designed for Octavia Butler by Laurie T. Edison

When I made the owl for her, I had no idea I was making the Octavia Butler commemorative pendant. It was at Baycon in the late 80’s, and she told me that the owl was her totem – could I make one for her. I told her I would be delighted to make it for her, and that if I could also keep the design it would be much, much less costly. She was happy to have me keep the design and since I’d been wanting to make an owl for a while, I was equally delighted. (I was an early admirer of her work )

She wanted an iconic owl rather than a particular species. The Butler Owl design was influenced by the great horned owl, but it isn’t meant to be a particular species. The out-stretched wings as it lands on the branch were my concept of her owl. I carved the original in wax before casting in into silver, thinking about Octavia and what she wanted from it. I was very happy with the final design and she was extremely pleased.

Octavia died much too young in 2006. Kate Schaefer asked me to make the first pendant that was given by the Carl Brandon Society in 2007 and I’ve been making them ever since.

“The Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarship enables writers of color to attend one of the Clarion writing workshops, where Octavia got her start. It furthers Octavia’s legacy by providing the same experience/opportunity that Octavia had to future generations of new writers of color. In addition to her stint as a student at the original Clarion Writers Workshop in Pennsylvania in 1970, Octavia taught several times for Clarion West in Seattle, Washington, and Clarion in East Lansing, Michigan, giving generously of her time to a cause she believed in.” (Carl Brandon Society web site)

The Butler Owl is a commemorative pendant for the scholarship recipients.

2009 Butler Scholar Rochita Loenen-Ruiz receives her owl with joy and aplomb

“The first Octavia E. Butler Memorial Scholarships were awarded in the summer of 2007, and they have been awarded annually each subsequent year at the conclusion of the Clarion and Clarion West Workshops. As of the summer of 2018, 21 Butler Scholarships have been awarded.”  (Carl Brandon Society web site)

2014 Clarion Butler Scholar Amin Chehelnabi

I was invited to participate in an award ceremony at a San Diego Clarion and it was very moving and special.

It turns out that the owl has a profound meaning for those who receive it. They have told me that receiving Octavia’s totem feels like there is a way that they are in touch with her. And that it is extremely meaningful. I am very grateful that I am able to do this for them.

2022 Clarion Butler Scholar Shingai Kagunda

When Nisi Shawl called me up and asked me to do the cover for their anthology Bloodchildren, I was astonished. Not because they asked me, but because I knew I was going to say yes. I’ve never done a cover and my photography is normally unsuited for an SF anthology. But two days before they called, I had for the first time a clear sense of a new direction for my photography, and this request fit the areas I was thinking about. It was very intense time consuming work, and a joy to do.

Cover of the limited edition fundraiser anthology Bloodchildren

I can thank the Carl Brandon Society for the fact that I have made 21 Butler owls and I’ll continue to make the Butler Owls for as long as possible.