POC Short Fiction in Anthologies, Collections and Indie Pubs

With this post I’m all caught up with the short fiction published through July 2009 that I’m aware of. I only separated out anthologies, collections and etc. this time around to make my job a bit easier. Going forward, I’ll list all the short fiction in a month together.




And there we have it. Caught up to July 2009. Now, going forward, if you’d like to alert me of short fiction coming out in an anthology, magazine, or as its own volume, please let me know by filling out this form.

I also encourage any POC who’s had short fiction published in 2009 or 2008 to please go to the Carl Brandon Society wiki and add your fiction. We’re trying to create a comprehensive list but we’ll need help from the community. Also, you don’t have to add only your own fiction. If you know an author is POC and read a story b them, check and see if it’s on the wiki. If you’re an editor, please take part, too.

January and February Short Fiction

I know I promised this last week, sorry! With this post I’m now done listing short fiction from magazines. My next task is to list short fiction published in anthologies and probably also individually published short fiction. Now that I’m all caught up it won’t take me so long to do this each month 🙂


  • Sinner, Baker, Fabulist, Priest; Red Mask, Black Mask, Gentleman, Beast by Eugie Foster in Interzone


As I mentioned, the stories I list here will also go up on the Carl Brandon wiki when I have the time. However, you don’t need to wait for me — add them yourself! If I’ve missed any 2009 stories by POC, please add them to the wiki.

Also, be sure to check out March/April and May/June/July as I’ve added new listings.

And finally: we’ve fixed the issue where individual posts could not be linked to. Thanks to everyone who pointed it out and helped us resolve it!

Short Fiction on the Wiki

You may or may not be aware that the Carl Brandon Society has a brand new wiki! This makes me particularly happy because I love wikis. I like categorizing and organizing information, and I love that the process can be democratized. There can be a lot of drama around wikis (just look at Wikipedia), but ultimately they’re a good thing.

Example: look at the short fiction I’m listing on the blog. It’s great to have it here, and hopefully when people search for multicultural or multiethnic fiction they’ll find the listings. But a wiki has a further advantage of listing and presenting the information in a straightforward, easy to find way. This page will soon be a complete record of the short fiction published by POC in 2009. It won’t be complete just because of me, though. It’ll be complete because other people will come along and add any missing information.

Here on the CBS blog I’m only focusing on 2009 short fiction. But over on the wiki there’s a page for listing 2008 short fiction. And if someone wants to, they can create 2007, 2006, 2005, etc. pages. Plus, there’s a page for listing book-length work and individual author pages.

I very much encourage POC authors to contribute to the wiki. Unlike Wikipedia it’s okay for the authors themselves to add their own information. (For now… I think. I did.) I’d love for the wiki to be one of the most comprehensive repositories for information about SF by and about people of color.