Reading: Diaspora of the Fantastic: Black Women Writers of SF/F/H

If you’re in New York City this Thursday, you may be interested in a reading I’m participating in: Diaspora of the Fantastic: Black Women Writers of SF/F/H. Here’s the description:

Join science fiction, fantasy, and horror authors Linda D. Addison, K. Tempest Bradford, N. K. Jemisin, and Alaya Dawn Johnson for a reading and discussion on women of color in speculative fiction.

Far from being indifferent to the genre, people of color are creating and consuming SF literature and media more than ever. Come hear some of the best new and award-winning speculative voices of color writing today.

Date: Thursday, July 30, 2009
Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: Bluestockings Books
172 Allen Street (one block south of Houston)
New York, NY

Omnivoracious Interview with K. Tempest Bradford

Jeff Vandermeer interviewed me for Amazon’s Omnivoracious blog to talk about the Clarion West Write-a-thon. The WaT is still going on, by the way. You still have time to sponsor a writer.

Here’s a bit from the interview: How do you think the SF/fantasy field will be different in a decade?

K. Tempest Bradford: I hope that there will be a lot more writers of color on the shelves. I would be great if the major publishing houses stepped it up a bit in this regard, but I suspect that the trend of de-centralization will make it so that this won’t be a pre-condition…It’s been said for many years that eBooks will replace paper books “any day now” and yet we’ve not had this amazing revolution. However, I do think we’re really close…though I don’t see paper books going away as fast as CDs seem to be. Though the major publishers and editors in the field may not be up to embracing this trend and the implications, SF readers are all too ready to do so. I would love to see authors taking cues from musicians in the way they get their work out there. Of course it won’t ever work exactly the same way, but I’m hoping we’ll be able to erase some of the old stigmas and prejudices attached to non-mainstream and currently accepted modes of publishing.